Python latest_01
''' a = 10 b = "Rishabh" c = 45.9 d = True # Printing the variables print(a) print(b) print(c) print(d) # Printing the type of variables print(type(a)) print(type(b)) print(type(c)) print(type(d)) # Operators --> a = 55 b = 33 # 1. Arithmetic Operators --> print("The result of a+b is:- \t ",a+b) print("The result of a-b is:- \t ",a-b) print("The result of a*b is:- \t ",a*b) print("The result of a/b is:- \t ",a/b) # 2. Assignment Operators --> c = 23 c += 17 c -= 17 c *= 17 c /= 17 print(c) # 3. Comparison Operators --> d = 34 e = 56 print(d==e) print(d!=e) print(d>e) print(d<e) print(d>=e) print(d<=e) # 4 Logical Operators --> f = True g = False print(f and g) print(f or g) print(not g) # Typecasting --> a = "345" print(a) print(type(a)) a = int(a) print(a+64) print(type(a)) a = float(a) print(a) print(type(a)) a = input("Enter your name:- \t ") print("Hello "+a+...